Yocto Project Summit 2023.11

VSCode IDE Integration – New developer tooling
11-29, 16:40–17:10 (UTC), Nanbield

Take part to better understand the rapid changes in development workflows and VSCode IDE usage for your Yocto projects.

VSCode is a popular editor and IDE tool. To encourage a new generation of users to rejuvenate the Yocto Project ecosystem, it is mandatory to have versatile IDE support. We will highlight our design choices, the streamline for community contributions and advancements on the following topics:

• Improvements to syntax parser, highlighting, and accuracy of completion handling
• Ergonomy to declarations of functions and definitions of Bitbake defined variables
• Handling of Python and Bash as embedded languages
• Automated testing through test cases
• Extension to SDK/eSDK usage

See also: VSCode presentation (2.9 MB)

Enguerrand has been an embedded developer working with Yocto since 6 years on a variety of application devices including energy, healthcare, transports and robotics. He enjoys the diversity of problems and technologies that can be encountered in embedded systems as well as the thorough understanding up to the hardware level that the open source software stack provides. As a VSCode enthusiast, Enguerrand is currently participating in enhancing the features of the official VSCode Yocto extension.

Leader de pratique - Applications Web

Free Software Consultant

Front-end Developer at Savoir-faire Linux